Tutorial:RTextDoc/3 Full version

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his is a help for the activated version of RTextDoc. To view the answers, please login.

Spelling and Grammar checking

Open a text or LaTeX document. Activate spelling as "Language support → Spelling" and "Language support→grammar". You will see misspelled words (underlined in red) or problems with the grammar (blue lines). Click left mouse and hold. You will see yellow pop-up menu. Select the proposed word or add it to the dictionary.

You should also activate suggestions if you click the tab "Spelling" at the bottom of the editor (next to "Tasks").

Modifying LaTeX commands

You can configure external commands launched from the RTextDoc menu and modify them as needed. This may be needed if LaTeX commands (such as latex, dvips, bibtex) have non-standard locations.

If one of the commands to compile and view LaTeX file in the [Macros] Menu is not working, try to modify it. For example, if [Macros] ⇒ [Run LaTeX] does not work, check your macro file which executes this command. To do this, go to the directory "macros " and and "common" and open the file which corresponds your operation system.

  • For Windows, open "window.groovy" (or)
  • For Linux, open "linux.groovy" (or)
  • For Mac, open "mac.groovy"

Then search for the line

latexString = "latex -interaction nonstopmode -file-line-error-style |";

and replace "latex" with the proper command.

Adding a new command to the menu

You can add any command to the menu [Macro].

Look at the directory [macros]. As example, copy the file "Run Acrobat.groovy" to a new file "Run LaTeX.groovy" (run ghostview). Then edit the command:

cmt=latex+rsep+dvips+rsep+"gv doc_basename+".ps"

We assume that you run "gv" on the PS file name.

You can access all names and directories as given in the comments of the file "RTextDocCommon.groovy" inside the "macros/common" directory.

Working with dictionaries

To activate the dictionary, click "Spelling"→"Look up a word". Select a needed dictionary (or several dictionaries). You can type a word and search for its definition click the search button of the dictionary.

If you are already editing a text, select a word and find the translation of this word using "Spelling"→"Look up a word". You will see a pop-up dictionary with the word definition (selected word should be entered automatically). It assumes that dictionary is already activated. Alternatively, if you are in the spelling mode, click on an misspelled word and select "Look up the word" (keep and hold left mouse button).

Drawing figures

RTextDoc includes a LaTeX draw tool to draw figures and generate PSTricks output. Use the menu "Macros"→"LaTeX Draw". The tool generates EPS and PDF images, and also PSTricks rext files ready to be include to LaTeX files.

Adding additional dictionaries

RTextDoc demo version is shipped with one dictionary. You can add up to 20 different dictionaries as described below:

Additional dictionaries can be downloaded from [JSlovo] portal. After downloading a file with the extension .jdic, place it in the directory:


of your installation RTextDoc directory. Restart RTextDoc.

PDF viewers

To work with PDF files, it is recommended to install Acroread. RTextDoc automatically detect its installation. You can run it as "Run Acroread" (it is assumed that the PDF file is present, i.e. if you edit the "example.tex", Acroread will attempt to open "example.pdf"

If you edit a LaTeX file, you can also look at the output PDF files by using PDF build-in viewers (since v1.7). They are faster than Acroread, but their open-source implementation often miss some very basic features (which are considered "proprietary" for GNU-licensed underlying codes). The following PDF viewers are included which can run as "Run PDF viewer (icePDF)" or "Run PDF viewer (jPedal)":

  • icePDF - fast PDF viewer, but typically fails to render fonts. Only recommended for simple documents.
  • jPedal - slower, but typically renders fonts (including embedded) correctly. It misses printing, however.